How do I get foil cards? Booster packs only? Is it worth doing this? Should I sell my 3 or 4 cards per game at the prevailing ($0.25 or so) rate and just collect the income, or is it more worthwhile to invest $1 to complete a set, then craft the badge and try to sell the emoticon and background that result as rewards? The way I understand it is that you only get one set of drops per game per account, so if I craft a badge and it results in common, unwanted emoticons and backgrounds I will be SOL (i.e. It seems I can only get half the cards for a game that way though, the other half (random) I’d need to trade for or purchase off the marketplace. I have several games that drop cards, and from what I understand I can get the drops from either playing the game or even just having it open (so Steam registers me as playing it). So I figure I should get with this program since the Steam Summer Sale is coming soon and who couldn’t use and extra couple of bucks to spend on cheap games.